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Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

"I'm broken." The hopeless way she said it made tears pinch from my eyes.

"We're all a little broken, Briana. We are a mosaic. We're made up of all those we've met and all the things we've been through. there are parts of us that are colorful and dark and jagged and beautiful. And I love every piece of you. Even the ones you wish didn't exist."

4.5 ⭐️


✨ fake dating romance

✨ co-workers / doctors

✨ exchanging letters

✨ dual POV


What I liked:

I will say I may be biased because I will absolutely read everything Abby Jimenez writes but this is my second favorite after the Happily Ever After Playlist.

Jacob- I loved everything about this man. He's so sweet, understanding, considerate, and caring. He's also incredibly self-aware and manages his anxiety in a healthy way. Jacob isn't perfect, but he tries his best to be. If he does something wrong, he'll try to fix it. If he's hurt someone, he'll apologize. He's so selfless he even donates his kidney to a stranger! He's also got a beautiful home, a sunroom filled with plants, and a three-legged dog! Where do they make men like him??? Jacob is one of the most loveable male characters I've ever come across while reading, and I want him to be happy in this fictional world.

Brianna- What a firecracker! She is smart, fierce, fun, loyal, and kind. But she also has a secret crazy side where if you mess with her or the people she loves, she'll come for you! She cares so much for those around her (like Benny), even at her own expense.

The letter exchanges at the beginning were so adorable! It's not something I've seen done very often in books, but it's such an interesting way for the characters to open up and be vulnerable with one another in a short amount of time. While Bri's letters tended to be more fun and entertaining, Jacob's letters were reflective and sincere. The exchanges were a sweet way for the characters to get to know one another while establishing trust.

Bri and Jacob's romance- The love these two have is the soulmate kind. They were drawn to each other and perfectly fit in a way most people can only dream of. There was so much respect, understanding, patience, love, and passion way before things even progressed physically, so you know what they have is the real deal. I really enjoyed watching them grow together and help each other work through their own issues.

The depth of this story. I was expecting more of a fun, vibe like in Part Of Your World, and while this did have light-hearted, entertaining moments, it was a lot more serious and dealt with some heavy topics. Anxiety is the main focus since Jacob struggles with this, and I think Abby Jimenez did a great job showcasing what it's like to have anxiety and the challenges of managing it. The book also talks about depression, and a family member with kidney failure.

I really loved this book and If you read this I hope you love it too 💗🫂

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